Didn't expect to see this happen
Two pieces of fallout following the implementation of the Google "Ban Hammer"
One of them is "Marketing" email but it isn't going to a gmail address, the other is "normal" email and IS going to gmail (we believe, it's not categorically stated)
The first:
This is what we might expect to see if the recipient was using gmail, but in this case it wasn't gmail but Proton Mail:
The second:
This is an advisory found in MS365 (Outlook) regarding non-delivery of Outlook emails:
"recent security related changes from said third parties". Couldn't be Google, could it? Only Microsoft would call Google a "third party" 🤣
If you are getting Non-delivery Reports (NDR), which most people call "a bounce-back", specifically "550 5.4.300 Message expired -> 421 4.4.2 Connection dropped due to SocketError'" you might want to sort out your email DNS
Or, if you're not comfortable doing it yourself, we're here!