Spam & Malicious Content Filtering

ShushCyber is a division of OpaCyber and provides an inexpensive solution to reduce unwanted email by 99%.
Traditional Saas applications like MS365 and Google Workspace can miss as much as 10-15% of spam & phishing email. Are you happy that potentially 1 in 8 malicious emails may arrive in your company's email inboxes?
At ShushCyber we believe that a multi-layered, defence-in-depth, approach will keep your company more secure than just relying on a single solution.
ShushCyber provides an "outer defence" perimeter to prevent suspicious email even getting to your Saas email provider. Let the efficacy of Microsoft’s or Google’s security increase by removing the vast amount of bad content that even gets to their solutions.
With ShushCyber you can block individual users, whole domains and even complete top-level domains (TLDs) like .info .top and .biz (.cn & .ru too?). You can also automatically block "bulk" mail that you may, or may not, have subscribed to (or been subscribed to!) unless you approve the sender.
ShushCyber also has the capability to quarantine (hold) emails with suspicious file-type attachments.
Unlike most Secure Email Gateways (SEGs) which charge a per-mailbox, per-month fee, ShushCyber’s solution provides a per-month flat fee, NO MATTER HOW MANY MAILBOXES you have.
We can set up the service for you and, if required, can even monitor it for you on a regular basis.
Make a huge leap in securing your company for (probably) less than your monthly coffee budget!

Please use this form to get in touch and ask any questions you may have.